You are currently browsing the daily archive for December 14, 2006.

There is no other state in the nation as branded as Texas. Not New York or North Dakota and certainly not California. Texas has got it goin’ on. The Lone Star State is proud of their history and their heritage. The Star (their logo) is everywhere. On the freeways carved into the concrete of supports, on the sidewalk, license plates, dinner napkins, t-shirts at the mall (not just the airport gift shop), you name it.

It reminds me of being in Disney World. You know how you’ll notice that mouse creeping up on your soap, in your drink, on the lawn, on the shape of lamps. That’s kind of creepy if you ask me.

But I digress. I’m in Big D. Dallas, Texas. Home of JR Ewing. And I’m loving it! Everything’s bigger in Texas. The hair, the martinis, the baked potatoes. My friend Shari and I ordered the Texas Tator at Jason’s deli. I’m not exaggerating when I say this potato was bigger than my head. Smothered in Texas BBQ and cheddar cheese. It could feed a family of four. For a week.

Texas is the only state in the nation where you can go to Home Depot and buy stepping stones for your backyard in the shape of the state. Think about it. Better yet, go to your Home Depot and try to do that.
If you think YOUR state is more branded than Texas, I’d love to hear from you.


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December 2006